Friday, March 2, 2007

Friday Again Already?

I apologize to those of you who come here daily to get the latest "news" on Michelle and how she is doing; I was just too worn out to get a post done last evening, not that there was much new to share with you.

Michelle finally removed the surgery dressing late Wednesday night prior to going to bed. It was a pretty emotional thing, seeing the stitches and all. Dr. DeHaan had to actually reopen the original incision (from 2001) and extend it another inch and half or so. This was due to the amount of tissue he needed to take surrounding the tumor which created a bit of difficulty in closing up after removing it. Remember that I wrote in an earlier post closing was the longest part of the surgery? Well, now we have seen why it took so long. We are both convinced that Dr. DeHaan did a great job and we trust completely his judgement in this but, needless to say, it definitely brought back to the surface a lot of the same emotions Michelle had following the original surgery. It is so hard for me to see my wife go through this (again!). Having gone through it once already, I feel I have a better grasp than most on the emotional and physical after-affects, yet I know I fall so far short of truly understanding what she is feeling or thinking. Please pray for Michelle and me in all this...

I think I wrote earlier that as the swelling has decreased Michelle's discomfort level (pain) has increased. This continues to be the case, though it seems to be getting better little by little. For two straight nights she didn't get much sleep, between the pain from the surgery and the tightening of muscles up and down her back and in her neck. Last night, I had her lay on a heating "thingy" we have that you heat in the microwave... it covered the whole length of her back and seemed to really help loosen up the tightness. We also put it around her neck a bit. As a result, she slept much better last night. As many of you have experienced, the human body is an amazing creation; as in Michelle's case, when one part hurts other parts try to adjust to make up the "difference", many times causing those other parts to feel pain as well.

That got me thinking... it's kind of like the Body of Christ, isn't it! We are told in 1Corinthians 12:1-27 that those of us who are believers in Jesus are part of the Body of Christ; in other words, though we are individuals, we as members together make up the Body of Christ! As the Body of Christ here on earth, we are His hands, feet, eyes, ears and voice, as well as those other body parts that are not as readily seen (1 Cor. 12:22-25), to be His witnesses throughout the world (Acts 1:8). Like a real body, if one part of the body suffers, we all suffer with it. What a profound truth; what I see physically occurring in Michelle's body, in that other parts suffer right along with and as a result of that part which is in pain, so too the Body of Christ "suffers" right along with us as we encounter this difficulty in our lives.

Thank you for all your prayers as you suffer along with us, rejoicing with us as well in all the Lord is doing in our lives. Now there is something the world cannot understand; how can one find joy and also rejoice in the midst of hardship, suffering and pain? Praise be to Jesus, who is the answer to that question; He has given us a secure hope that allows us to do just that!!! As you continue in prayer for us, please know you are also in our prayers as you "co-suffer" with us ... we love you!!! -Steve and Michelle -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just poppin in to say howdy!, Steve you are doing a great job of keeping us all up to date on what is going on. We all love the way God is speaking to you through this journey, Not only are you Comforting you and yours' But all of us as well. I'M sure it is a great release for you as well. Mom & I are so happy that you are getting along so well Michelle,We could certainly tell you are healing when talking to you on Thurs. It was good to hear you felling better, Just keep resting in the Lord for a full healing, you are in good hands. Love you so much Dad & Mom.