Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Port Is In

Hi everyone -

Sorry I have not posted since Saturday; there has not been anything new to report until today so life has just been "normal" for a few days. Of course, that changed today as we took the last step before starting chemotherapy next Monday (April 2nd).

First, Michelle did have the port surgically inserted today and everything went fine, apart from taking a bit longer than expected which was VERY nerve racking for me! It was supposed to take only about 25 to 30 minutes and there I was an hour and 15 minutes later thinking to myself, "Hmmm... they are running the catheter tube through a vein to just outside her heart and it is taking too long!" Of course, all was just fine. The reason it took longer was because the vein they were using had a turn in it that took a little work to navigate, slowing everything down. As we sit here at home, Michelle is doing fine though pretty sore in her shoulder area and not able to move her right arm now very much. She was just beginning to be able to use her left arm consistently and now it's her right; gives new meaning to "If it's not one thing, it's another!" They used a different anesthesia this time so she did not have the same difficulties on that front like when she had her last surgery, resulting in no dizziness or nauseousness; HALLELUJAH!!! Please pray that the pain/discomfort will subside and that Michelle would heal up quickly.

Second, we did get the report back on the MUGA Scan following the surgery today. The results were good and Dr. DeHaan said all is fine on that front. So the test showed what we already knew, Michelle has (a good) HEART!!!

Okay, well, that's the latest at this point. I will be sure to let you know how Michelle is doing tomorrow. In the meantime, join us in praising the Lord for another successful step on this journey that He has us on , and continue to pray for Michelle as she walks this road! Pray for healing and also that the Lord would prepare her for starting chemo on Monday. Pray also that the side-effects of the chemo would be minimal at the most... no side-effects would be great! Blessings, grace and peace to you all... - Steve and Michelle -

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