Friday, June 29, 2007

Last "Leg" Complete

Well, Sarah and I made it - we arrived mid-day yesterday and are presently sitting in the living room of my friend and co-laborer, Seth, relaxing before the start of another busy day... not a lot of driving, though, thankfully! We will go over to the title agency later today (11am) to sign the closing documents for our new home, do a walk through at the home in the afternoon (2pm), go to church, and then we have a church gathering afterwards to attend! Then it's back here, go to bed, up early on Sunday (4:30am) and go to the airport to catch a 7:20am flight back to Chicago!!! What a whirlwind of a trip - I love it!!! Don't worry, Sarah is holding up just fine...

Things seem to be going well at home, though Michelle has still not been able to shake the headache... please pray that the Lord would just remove it!!! I woke thinking this morning that this coming Monday will be the first Monday in 13 weeks that I will not have to do a post about how Michelle is doing after a treatment. Wow... On the relocation front, she continues to pack-up the odds and ends that are left, but we are almost there. Please pray for all the "little" things to get done - thanks! I just have to gear myself up between now and the end of next week to do that drive again... as does Sarah!

Okay, well here is a couple photos from yesterday; we didn't take too many (I think we were a little worn out!!). We love you all!! - Steve and Michelle -

Crossing into Arizona!

New Home - photo 1

New Home - photo 2

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Second "Leg" Complete

Sarah and I made it to Albuquerque and are presently resting in our hotel room before the final drive tomorow - it was a good day of driving... 12.5 hours from start to finish! Sarah drove the last 174 miles and did really well so I guess I need to take her to get her license!!! We found ourselves driving in four different states today - Missouri (for 4 miles!), Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. As we drove we were able to hear the weather report and they said there would be rain today from Texas, through Oklahoma and Missouri as well. Our reply: ya think?! Yup, there was!!! :-) But we weathered it just fine - pun intended!

Michelle and the kids are doing just fine; her headache is barely there now and she sounded like she was feeling pretty good on the phone. Praise the Lord for that. Quick note to the kids I "left behind" - thank you Rebekah and Moriah for the messages... I love and miss you too!!! Steven, keep holding down the fort and don't break my laptop - love you, buddy!!!

Keep praying for Michelle and the kids at our "old" home and for Sarah and I as we continue our travels! Ok - below are just a couple of photos from the day that started in Joplin, Missouri and ended in Albuquerque, New Mexico... we love each of you SOOOO much! - Steve and Michelle -

Joplin, Missouri

Entering Oklahoma

The World's Largest McDonalds!!!

Entering Texas

Largest Cross in the Western Hemisphere!

Entering New Mexico

Sarah behing the wheel!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

First "Leg" Down

Greetings to you all from Joplin, Missouri!!!

Sarah and I have completed the first leg of our trip, presently kicking back in our hotel room after a GREAT Mexican dinner. We will rest up tonight since tomorrow holds for us the longest of our three legs - 11 hours of driving (to Albuquerque, New Mexico) not counting stops for gas, food, and those other breaks (!!!). Today's drive was wonderful, though we did hit a few rainstorms. I have posted a few photos from when we passed through St. Louis...

St. Louis Arch

Busch Stadium - Home of the St. Louis Cardinals

Those of you who have known us for more than a few years will feel old when I say Sarah drove 117 miles of the journey. Not just that but she was behind the wheel during the worst downpour we faced today. I will only say she handled it well, though my knuckles were white!!! Driving through the Ozarks was absolutely beautiful, we were both amazed by the sheer awesomeness of God's creation!!!

I spoke with Michelle quite a few times today, she seems to be doing ok. She is still experiencing some mild "pressure headaches", but she definitely sounds like she feels better than the last few days on that front. I'm sure the lack of sleep - she stil is having problems sleeping - and the stress of the upcoming relocation are not helping. We are sure the headaches and sleep isues are residual side-effects of the Taxol treatments so please pray the Lord will help her begin to sleep better and that the headaches will go away. Also pray that she will rest a bit more each day!!!

Okay, enough for now - please pray for Sarah and I as we rest tonight and continue our journey tomorrow. It looks like it will be a wet day for us so pray for our safety, as well as that the truck continues to run well. Along those lines, pray for all those in Texas - like our friends, the Ellis' - who are being hammered by severe weather, especially being deluged by rain! Thanks and we will post again tomorrow provided we get to our destination at a decent hour!!! We love you all... - Steve and Michelle -

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

First of Thirteen Done

Greeting to you all -

Yesterday (Monday) Michelle took her first "triple-dose" of Herceptin, which she will do every three weeks for basically 13 treatments (39 weeks). If yesterday was any indication, apart from the possible effect the drug can have on her heart function, there was no apparent side-effects - it was just as if she had not taken the drug at all. Praise the Lord for that!!! For those of you who got into the "blog" late, Herceptin is a specific kind of chemo drug that only targets one thing, the HER2-NU receptor gene which can either exist (positive receptor) or not (negative receptor) in cancerous tumors - you are a candidate for Herceptin if you are "positive HER2-NU", which Michelle has been in both instances. What the drug does is "block" the receptor(s) so that any possible cancer cells cannot replicate! They did not have this drug her first go 'round, so we are thankful they do now. Since it is a "targeted" drug, there is typically no apparent side-effects except that they have seen in some cases the heart function being adversely affected, but this has been temporary and usually reverses itself once treatment is completed. This is why Michelle has to have regular MUGA Scans (another one today) to test her heart function... okay, enough "rehashing" old news! Michelle is doing pretty well, other than still having some low-grade headaches and not sleeping well... pray for her on both of those fronts!!

So, in other news - packing continues and we are ramping up for next weeks relocation. In the meantime, Sarah and I leave tomorrow on our road trip West to get my truck out there and leave us just the Expedition here. That way, Michelle won't have to drive one of the vehicles out next week and gives Sarah and I the blessing of making the road trip twice!!! Pray for us!!!!

Okay, gotta go for now - thanks again for ALL your prayers... we are praying for you! Blessings and we love each of you dearly! - Steve and Michelle -

Friday, June 22, 2007

Slow Recovery - Time Crunch

It has not been the easiest of weeks for us; perhaps one of our most difficult to date, taking into perspective all aspects of life as we know it today. The treatment seemed to really hit Michelle hard this week, harder than the past four weeks or so. She has battled headaches and feeling "strange" since Monday afternoon and it's just this morning that she has begun to get some relief. In the midst of that, we continue to pack for the move - we are really beginning to feel the crunch on that end. With me leaving mid-week next week with Sarah, it feels like the move is looming like a big wall right in front of us that we need to climb over. Every time we pack another box or prepare another thing for the move, there is something else to deal with - it's never ending it seems. On top of that, I have the final crunch of gathering info and meeting with people at the church... I know - "Suck it up pal and stop your whining!!", or more sarcastically, "Can I get you some cheese and crackers to go along with that w(h)ine!!" Still, in the midst of it all, God continues to show Himself faithful, being right there to minister to and strengthen us for the moment and for the future.

I woke this morning thinking of the story of Jericho... I saw before my minds-eye the great wall that stood looming before the army of Israel- it must have seemed insurmountable and unconquerable. As they took each and every step of faith (and it took A LOT of faith to keep walking around those walls!!!), each one taken patiently as they patiently made every journey around that walled city, all while patiently waiting on and trusting in the Lord, that massive wall still stood there "mocking" them. Yet, each patient step, each patient circuit moved them one notch closer to where the Lord was leading them; each patient step, each patient circuit prepared them more for what the Lord was going to accomplish in and through them; each patient step, each patient circuit drew them closer to victory in Him! You all know the end of the story - each patient step, each patient circuit led them to the point of shouting in victory (before the victory was even realized - hmmm, there's a sermon for you!!!) as that "mocking" wall came tumbling down! How encouraging that story is to me today - it really is as simple as us diligently taking each step patiently in Him, us doing our part while letting Him sovereignly move in His time and in His way. When we do this, that which seems insurmountable and unconquerable is simply a "house of cards" waiting to tumble before us as we walk in and with Him.

We have seen this time and time again these past weeks and I am thankful to be reminded of it once again today! Though the "walls" that stand before us might at times seem big in the moment, we take great confidence in the FACT that our God is BIGGER still!!! I trust and pray that would encourage some of you today as well.

We covet your prayers and are so thankful to have them; keep praying please! We love you... - Steve and Michelle -

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Phase One Complete

Phew... we can't believe 12 weeks have passed and the Taxol plus Herception treatments have been completed; only the Lord could have brought us through so "smoothly", relatively speaking of course!!! HE has been so faithful to hear and answer all of your prayers and to minister to Michelle, the kids, and me as only HE can do!!! This last treatment seems to have hit Michelle pretty hard compared to the last four weeks or so, but I'm not sure that wasn't to be expected when you take into account the accumulation of fatigue from 11 weeks of treatments, having her parents in the 10 days previous (not getting as much sleep as she should have! ), and all the work she has been putting in packing things up for our move. I am amazed she is standing at all... again, only in the Lord's strength and through His sustaining power!! She seems to be doing a bit better today but your prayers for a quick recovery would be much appreciated!!!

Next Monday Michelle will take her first "once every three weeks" Herceptin treatment, which she will be doing for the next 9 months, but that should not cause her any difficulty at all. She will also have another MUGA Scan to check her heart function next Tuesday... so pray for those two things!!!

Apart from those things, all else is on track for our relocation. Still lots of little things to pack up but much is already done... but those "odds and ends" can be real annoying, know what I mean? So many things to remember and do!!! Sarah and I will be driving heading out next Wednesday (6/27) to transport my truck and spend the weekend with the church... we will fly home early on Sunday. So, for all intents and purposes, this is my last full week in the office here! I can't believe the time has gone this quickly and we are so close to relocation; I find myself with a range of emotions and feelings. Still, there is that quiet confidence and assurance that we are right on the path the Lord has for us, so I can't wait to "get on with it"!

Many blessings to you all... I will be posting again soon!!! We love you... - Steve and Michelle -

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thursday Evening Post

Howdy everyone -

Just a quick post to let you know all is pretty much the same as earlier in the week. Michelle is doing well, though she is fatigued both from the chemo as well as working around the house preparing for our move. We are thankful that her parents are in town; they have been a big help as the packing continues. Both the sale of our condo and the purchase of the home we are looking to buy seem to be moving along. On the purchase front, we are still awaiting word from the sellers as to whether they will make some repairs on items that came up during the home inspection. This could be a "deal breaker" so we shall see; either way, we are confident the Lord's will is what will be accomplished. He has truly moved in the midst of all we are dealing with right now in all areas of our lives and we know that He will continue to do so! So, no worries, ya know!!

The current, updated schedule for the next few weeks, as it stands today, has me in town through June 27, with Michelle taking her last Taxol treatment next Monday, having another MUGA Scan as well, and then her first "every three week" Herceptin treatment on the 25th. On June 27th I will drive the truck cross country, taking a couple of days to accomplish it, then flying home on July 1; Sarah will be taking that trip with me. We will then wrap up everything here and the movers will load our "stuff" on July 5. Depending on how long it takes them to load, we will either pull out of here that evening or early the next morning (July 6). Be praying for all that...

As always, continue to pray for Michelle as she wraps up her Taxol treatments next Monday; pray the Lord would strengthen and sustain her, as well as prepare her physically for the trip that is soon to come. Thank you all for your consistent and loving prayer for us; we love you!!! - Steve and Michelle -

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Rounding the Final Turn... Heading Down the Back Stretch

One more treatment down, only one more (of the Taxol!) to go... hard to believe we are sprinting down the final straightaway! Michelle once again handled the treatment well with no complications and, as of last night, no apparent side-effects. She was still sleeping when I left this morning so I can't speak for today but, if these past few weeks are any indication, she should be doing pretty well. She definitely has become more fatigued over the last two weeks but she also has not changed her routine (apart from home schooling having come to and end for the summer!) and has added to it packing up all our "stuff". I look at all that needs to be packed and think to myself, "Where did all this stuff come from?!" I mean, we have less than most I think, but I wonder at times if we can get everything packed by the time the movers show up!

Thank you all for praying about finding an Oncologist; we have located one! She sounds like a wonderful woman and it's always good to hear someone who works with your doctor say, "I would put my life in her hands!" So, Michelle's first appointment with her new Oncologist is on July 12th at 9:00am...

On the house front, things continue to move forward though today is a big day on the new home front. We got the report back from the home inspection and there are some things we are kicking-back at the sellers to fix prior to closing escrow. For some reason I have a foreboding feeling about it because I'm not sure how they will react; I know they think they brought their best offer to the table so they may be unwilling to "lose" anymore money. On our side, unless they are willing to do the repairs, none of which are out of line nor unexpected in a 7 year old home, we will not be purchasing it. So, you can pray for that! As far as the condo here, no indication anything is amiss and all should close on-time...

Pray for all the details that need to be worked out when a family moves long-distance; such as, how do we get our second vehicle out there without Michelle having to drive one, forwarding of mail, address changes on bills, etc. It's never-ending and we feel like we just did this... oh, wait, we did just two and a half years ago!

Enough for now... to work! Have a blessed day and remember, Jesus loves you and so do we! - Steve and Michelle -

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday Morning

Good morning!!!

Okay, the big question is, "Did you make it to church this weekend??", and the answer had best be yes! I trust and pray the Lord has ministered to all of you and that the same Holy Spirit who moved in our services and lives this weekend has done the same in yours!

Nothing really new to report, all pretty much remains the same as it was the last post. Michelle's parents are in town and we are enjoying having them here. They will be here through next Saturday, leaving Sunday AM early, so we have a lot of free labor when it comes to continuing our packing up... YES!!!

Things continue to move forward on the sale of our condo and the purchase of our new home. I just wired the earnest money yesterday so no turning back now! We are so looking forward to getting on the road and heading out, though leaving will not be easy! We have some wonderful friends here that will be difficult to move away from. I have also really enjoyed spending these past months with the others on staff here in the Chicagoland area, making some friendships that I know will last a lifetime; that too makes leaving a little hard. Still, we know and feel that the Lord has already moved us on, and we it is so comforting to know that we have a "family" waiting to embrace us at the other end of this next step in our journey of walking with Jesus!

So, please continue to pray for the things already mentioned in the previous post; Michelle's last to treatments (at least with Taxol!), our relocation, our kids, and for the Lord to direct us to just the right Oncologist for Michelle! Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus... we love you all! - Steve and Michelle -

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Moving Along Nicely

Greetings to all of you!!! Just a quick update on how things are going with us:

Michelle is doing pretty good this week once again. The side-effects are at a minimum and, apart from fatigue and an occasional headache, things are well. Of course, that is very relative... you will still hear her say, if you asked, that she looks forward to feeling "normal" again! Her hair continues to thin out and we are not sure how much more she can lose and still hide the fact that she has very little! We are both amazed she has any at all when we think about how much she has lost over these past weeks. What an answer to prayer... by the time she may be in the situation to have to remove what is left, she will be done with treatments and it can immediately start growing back again. God is truly merciful and gracious, is He not?!

As for our relocation, things are great on that front. As I wrote earlier, our condo sold and everything is going just fine with that. The last hurdle is the appraisal which should not be a problem at all and it should close escrow on June 28th. On top of that, we made an offer on a home and we quickly came to terms with the owner for the purchase... we are homeowners again!!! Phew... we have a place to move into now!!! It is a wonderful home (5 bedrooms with a loft!!!) and we can't wait to move in. We should close escrow on it the day our stuff is being loaded on the moving truck out here in Wheaton. Please pray that Michelle and the kids love the home as much as I do; it is not easy picking a home for your family all by yourself!

As I reflect back on the last couple of weeks I am overwhelmed by the graciousness, goodness, and greatness of the God we serve. No doubt it has been a busy and, at times, trying time. Honestly, there were moments where I felt they were beating me down a bit; but oddly, that was in a good way, because those moments have brought me to another level of trusting in our Lord, an even deeper level, for which I am thankful. At the hardest moments, all I could do was ask for more of His mercy, grace and strength for the journey we find ourselves on; a journey on which I feel so responsible to be the strong, confident leader that my family needs me to be. I have once again found the Lord and His word to be true... "For when I am weak, than I am strong..." (2Cor. 12:10) as He supplies me with His strength. He has shown up in so many tangible ways, as only He can and does! Today we are so encouraged in the Lord; as we have trusted in Him, as we have leaned even closer into Him, He has systematically checked off from our list of things that need to be resolved some truly "big" things!!! Is He amazing or what!!?? Pretty much the last "big" thing, perhaps the biggest actually, is to find a new Oncologist for Michelle. Please pray for us as we set out on that "hunt."

Don't stop praying for us!!! In fact, don't stop praying or trusting in Him, period!!! We love you all... - Steve and Michelle -

Monday, June 4, 2007

Racing Down the Back Stretch

Today's treatment down, only two to go... we can see the final turn just out ahead of us!!! It is hard to believe we are nearing completion of the first part of Michelle's treatment regimen. Though she will continue on the Herceptin for the remainder of one year, soon we will be able to leave Taxol behind!! Praise the Lord for that even now!!!

Michelle did really well today during treatment; all her counts were good apart form her white count being a little low but not low enough to cause concern in the least. Praise Him for that! She is still having hot flashes and some neuropathy but, all in all, she is continuing to tolerate the treatment very well which is CLEARLY an answer to all the prayers being lifted up on her behalf. Thank you!!!

It was so quiet at the Cancer Center and we were able to just hang out and talk with each other, as well as the nurses. It was nice to have that time, especially after the last week or so of being very busy. We talked a lot about buying a house and what to do on that front; we made some decisions and have now begun to take steps to see what the Lord will do! We are trusting Him for EVERYTHING; how difficult can it be to make available to us just the right house for a God who can create ("bara"- create absolutely) something from nothing??!!

"Lord, You have been our dwelling place (refuge) in all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth,
Or ever You had formed the earth and the world,
Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God
. " (Psalm 90:1-2,NKJV)

"The earth is the LORD's, and all its fullness,
The world and those who dwell therein.
For He has founded it upon the seas,
And established it upon the waters
. " (Psalm 24:1-2, NKJV)

Isn't it great to know that God?! Be encouraged this day by the knowledge that the Eternal God, the One who is from everlasting to everlasting, who created the earth and all that exists, LOVES you and knows your name...hmmm, reminds me of a worship song!

Continue to pray for us and all that is going on... we are continuing to pray for you all! We love you all dearly and can't wait for the next time we can tell you that face-to-face! - Steve and Michelle -

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Saturday AM

Good morning... it's 6:45am out here in our future new home and already I think it is already close to 80 degrees outside; aaahhhh, seems like being back in Vegas!!!

It has been a pretty busy week for me. After having Monday off, my worship leader/assistant pastor flew into town late evening Monday for a staff retreat on Tuesday through Wednesday. I got up early Tuesday AM to take him to meet a couple of guys from staff so he could ride up to the retreat with them, while I then took Michelle to her chemo treatment. After the chemo treatment and getting her situated, it was of to the retreat myself... four hour drive! We got home around midnight Wednesday night and spent Thursday doing some work (and the last blog post!) from home until I had to take Seth back to the airport. Then it was up at 3:30am Friday to get ready, leave for the airport, have a couple meetings amongst beginning to do a little home searching, to bed at what effectively was 1:00 AM for me, and, lo and behold, here I sit posting this morning! At 10:00 AM today I will go out with our realtor to look at a slew of homes; pray I find just the right one and have the wisdom to know which one that is. Things guys look for in homes are many times different than what a woman looks for! Like, does it have a large garage and does the backyard have enough grass, and is it big enough, to practice chipping!! Kitchen... hmmm, yeah it had one!

As for Michelle, it has been a pretty good week without much discomfort, no itchiness, and only a day or so of headaches. BUT, a new side-effect showed up. Up to this time she has had only occasional and minor neuropathy (tingling, loss of feeling, numbness with pain) in her fingers and toes, mostly just a little tingling; it has not been troublesome at all. Well, this week her feet have been going numb, like completely numb and tingling. It has not become painful yet, but this is a pretty major step forward in this effect. It could be temporary or a sign of more (worse?) to come. So, add to our growing list of prayers for Michelle that the Lord would minimize this and, even better and more bold, take it away completely!

We are drawing so close to the end of the Taxol treatments, please Lord continue to be merciful to Michelle, as You have been thus far, and sustain her another three treatments with no increase in her side-effects! Thank you, Lord, for all these who are praying for us, bless them this day with an extra measure of your grace, mercy, peace and sense of Your intimate presence in their lives! In Jesus name... Amen.

We love you all... - Steve and Michelle -