Saturday, March 17, 2007


It has been a few days now since making the decision to move forward with the Taxol/Herceptin regimen and we are slowly getting our "heads around" the fact that we find ourselves having to endure chemo again. It seems we have been living this scene over and over these past weeks... cancer diagnosis again, surgery again, slowly healing again, staring chemo right in the face again; not the kind of deja vu you want to experience, ya know! Still, we are getting there, preparing our hearts and minds to not just survive but to walk this road in a way that will glorify the Lord and bear testimony of His goodness in the midst of the storm.

As I was teaching today during a workshop inside San Quentin State Prison I was once again struck with the reality that, like those men who are locked up inside that prison, many of those who are around us in church every weekend are in their own "prisons", even though there are no cells and walls that hold them. My heart breaks for these who find themselves there due to difficulties, trials, and hurts life has brought their way. It has strengthened my resolve to not allow Michelle and myself to let any of what we are going through cause us to lose sight of the greatness, goodness and graciousness of the God that we serve; to not allow it to cause us to "circle the wagons" and endure this in isolation; to not find ourselves "blaming" God for our situations. To do so would cause us to be locked up in the "hell" of this insidious disease; to do so would not allow us to experience the true freedom we have in Christ; to do so would not allow us to experience the Body of Christ being the Body of Christ in our lives, praying for and ministering to us just as we desire to do for all of you.

Please pray even now for Michelle to handle the chemo treatments well and that the possible side-effects would not be experienced by her; pray for us as we continue to "prepare" for that time; pray that in and through it all we will display and glorify Christ in our lives. Know that as you pray for us we are praying for you all. Keep praying for our friend Mike and his wife, Jennifer, as well as their kids (see previous post). Just as every service is ended at our church so I will end this post... You are loved! - Steve and Michelle -


Anonymous said...

Steve, Michelle, Sarah, Steven, Rebekah and Moriah we are praying for you all. I know it is hard and we don't fully understand why some of our prayers get answered while others do not. I am thankfull for the ones that have been answered and will continue to pray faithfully for the ones that have not. The circumstances you have shared with us are very difficult indeed. I am truelly amazed how you keep your focus on God and the good things he must have planned to come out of all this. In my own personal life it has stengthened my prayer relationship with our heavenly father. Hang in there guys and know you are most certainly in our thoughts and prayers. With all my Love, Larry.

Anonymous said...

Steve and Michelle and family: I'm belated in checking up on your blog and share your disappointment that more chemotherapy is going to be required. I appreciate your sharing your struggles and your faith with us as you live through this decision. Our pastor had a good sermon on joy yesterday -- usually Christians don't look any different than the rest of the world when dealing with difficulties. I am grateful for your testimony and example to us that Christ's joy can be present even in difficult times. I will keep you in my prayers.