Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Appointments Done

We just got home a bit ago from the days appointments with the surgeon and the Oncologist. Dr. DeHaan (surgeon) was able to remove the stitches without too much discomfort, very little in fact. Over the last couple of days the bruising and swelling has subsided substantially and he was real pleased with how things look at the surgery site. Things are doing wonderfully on that front.

Following our appointment with Dr. DeHaan we met with Dr. Hantel (Oncologist); the news was not as good on that front when it comes to the post-op treatment plan. We had been praying following the success of the surgery, and all the positive results that came from it, that Dr. Hantel would not recommend chemotherapy. Unfortunately that was not the case... the basics are he gave us three options labelled "good/ok", "better", "most aggressive". Those options are detailed/broken down as follows: "good/ok" would mean taking Herceptin once every three weeks for the next year while doing Radiation Therapy, "better" would mean taking Taxol (chemo) plus Herceptin once per week for 12 weeks followed by Herceptin once every three weeks for the rest of the year while doing Radiation Therapy, "most aggressive" would mean taking Taxol/Cytoxan (CT... chemo) plus Herceptin once every three weeks for four cycles followed by Herceptin once every three weeks for the rest of the year while doing Radiation Therapy. His recommendation is to select "better" based on Michelle's history.

Needless to say we are a bit disappointed, we were really hoping that we would not be faced with chemo. There is a strong temptation to just do Herceptin with Radiation Therapy but we are really seeking the Lord on what would be best for us. There is that part of us that never wants to look back and say "Wish we would have done more!" What a roller coaster ride of emotions and feelings...

So, we have a pretty big decision to make here; your prayers are greatly needed! Hey, listen... God is faithful and none of this has escaped His knowledge; He is not up in Heaven caught off guard, walking to and fro while wringing His hands together, muttering "How did this happen? What will I do?". No, rather, He remains on His throne in Heaven and on the thrones of our hearts, completely in control, working for our good in the midst of all of this as He walks with us. How great it is to know we have a God intimately aware of every little detail of our life; to know the God who created Heaven and Earth loves us (loves you!) and is always working on our behalf in the big and small of our lives; to know that not one microsecond of time passes that we we are not on his mind... WOW! Especially now, those truths mean so much and are so encouraging to us; may you also be encouraged!!! We love you... - Steve and Michelle -

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