Saturday, March 24, 2007

MUGA Scan Completed

Good Saturday morning to you -

Sorry we didn't get a post up last night, it was a bit of a hectic day that was culminated with having Bible Study for the first time in four weeks! It was good to have everyone over again, studying the word together and fellowshipping with one another; for those who couldn't make it, we missed you! I'm working at getting the teaching(s) accessible through the blog, hopefully by the end of the weekend I will get that accomplished.

The MUGA Scan went just fine and no one came bursting into the room in a panic, so we take that as a sign that nothing was out of the ordinary. We will get the official reports some time on Monday but we do not expect any surprises. It is an interesting test... they withdraw some blood and mix it with whatever that radiotracer "stuff" is that they need to use for the scan, wait 45 minutes, re-inject the blood/radiotracer mix into you, wait another 45 minutes, and then do the actual scan.

As for Michelle, she handled it all like the "trooper" she is; no complaining about getting another heploc inserted in her arm/vein, having blood drawn, laying still for a long period of time, etc. I continue to be amazed at how, as one dear friend put it, she continues to "stand tall and straight with her face to the wind as the hurricane of adversity batters her shores." I could not have come up with better words to describe the faith and resolve Michelle continues to display and operate in every single moment of every single day. What have I done in my life to deserve such a wife, a wife who challenges me daily to grow in my walk with and faith in the Lord, leading me in that by example? I thank the Lord continually for His overwhelming grace, because the answer to the above rhetorical question is "Nothing!"; it is only because of His immense mercy and grace that I find myself so blessed.

Our next, and last, step before starting chemo on April 2nd is to have the port surgically inserted this coming Tuesday (27th). Please pray that the results of the MUGA Scan are good and for the Lord to prepare Michelle even now for the port to be inserted. I know that will be another big step for her, especially since it will have to remain in for a year. Dr. DeHaan will be the one to insert the port which is comforting for us; please pray for him as well. Lastly, please be praying for our kids; on the outside they all seem to be doing well but I am wise enough to know that on the inside that may not be the case. "Thank you" does not express the gratitude we have for all your prayers... thank you for continuing to do so! We love you... - Steve and Michelle -

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hi guys. I was glad to hear that Michelle had a relatively normal week, other than the MUGA scan. I'm sure everything will be alright in that arena. I heard part of a new song on the radio the other day and the part I heard reminded me of what the two of you are going through right now. I don't know if you listen to country music, but if you get a chance, listen to a new song by Craig Morgan called "Tough". I'm sure you can probly find it on the internet somewhere. Love ya and Hugs and Kisses to all.