Thursday, March 22, 2007

On The Eve Of The Next Step

Good Thursday evening to you all -

It is so hard to believe another week is almost in the books, life is so full of "busyness" right now! I am so thankful we have a God who is into even the smallest details, guiding and directing our lives even when we don't consciously realize it!!! Praise Him for all His goodness and greatness!!!

As you know if you have been following along, we take our next step along the "road" tomorrow with Michelle undergoing a MUGA Scan. Another test; thankfully, apart from an injection, this one is painless; she just has to lay there completely still for quite a while. Of course, as those who have tried that can attest, it is much harder to do than it sounds! Unfortunately, Michelle has gotten pretty good at it...

Please pray that the test goes well and the results of it are good. Apart from the obvious reasons (smile), it is important that her heart is functioning well without any abnormalities so that she can receive Herceptin as part of her chemo regimen. This is an issue because Herceptin has a low risk of exasperating heart issues due to it's toxicity, specifically to the heart itself. I know, I know... sometimes it seems the treatment isn't worth the risk, especially since it seems to be preventative. Trust me, that is not lost on us. All I can say in response is "It is the fine balance between risk versus reward." That just gives us all even more of a reason to PRAY!

We will try our best to post tomorrow evening and give you an update on things. It may not get done until Saturday morning since we have the Bible Study at our house tomorrow evening... ministry goes on!!! (big smile) So, in the meantime, continue to pray, pray, pray! You are all loved more than you know... - Steve and Michelle -

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