Monday, March 19, 2007

Home Again...

Greetings to you all from my own living room, having arrived home around midnight last night from California. The trip to and ministry at San Quentin State Prison went very well; it was genuinely good to once again be with our Christian brothers incarcerated there, renewing relationships that started last November when I found myself there the first time. I send you their greetings and ask that you remember all of them in your prayers.

Being with them these past days has once again challenged me in my walk with the Lord; would I be as joyous as they, would I hold as fast to the Lord, would my worship be as heartfelt, would I display the love of Christ so completely if I found myself locked up in that aging prison? More than a few times, as we talked about our lives and how the Lord was moving in each, I would watch tears form in their eyes as I shared with them where we find ourselves now... and they would stop me and pray for Michelle and our family. Whatever they had done, whatever crime committed, that is no longer what defines them, but rather what Christ has done in them! It was so easy to forget exactly where you were; inside of one of California's most notorious prisons, yet experiencing the love of Christ so clearly through men that most of society would rather forget even exist. But exist they do, in some of the most cruel of conditions: multi-tier cell blocks, 5'x8' cell upon 5'x8' cell, one right next to the other down a 300+ foot length of hallway, five floors high, two men per dark cell. In spite of these conditions, having been forgiven and redeemed through His blood, Jesus lives in the hearts of our gentle, loving brothers there. As sure as their crimes are what put them there, so too is the evidence that God's redeeming power extends far beyond the "free world" we live in; reaching, impacting, changing and cleansing from sin those that the world would say are beyond redemption. What a testimony of the power of God's saving grace!!

I am fully confident that through the prayers of my brothers in San Quentin, joined together with all of your prayers, God will truly be glorified through the path that we are now walking!!! Thank you again as you co-labor with us on this journey of trusting Jesus wholly... you are much loved! - Steve and Michelle -

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