Saturday, February 24, 2007

Saturday Morning

Good morning... we had an okay night, thanks for your prayers. We got up around 2:30am so as to not miss taking pain meds, best to stay ahead of the curve on that so Michelle doesn't have to feel too much of the discomfort. All in all, she seems to be weathering that fine as long as she doesn't try to move around too much, especially her left arm. She ate some yogurt at that time too and was feeling more normal by then. I had to get up at 6:00 am to rouse Sarah and Steven because they have a Math Team Competition today. Trip and Lauren (Gracey) are on the same team so Paul took all four of them, picking up our kids at 7:00am. A little after that, Michelle actually got up and had some cereal, along with another pain pill. Reminds me of the Saturday Night Live skit from so long ago, "Take a Pill!!!"... anyone remember that? Anyway, she is presently resting/sleeping on the couch.

Overall, things seem to be well, though she is pretty swollen. Not so much at the surgery site but starting at her side and working around to her scapula (shoulder blade) area. We will be keeping an eye on it throughout the day. She continues to have occasions of feeling nauseous, though it seems to be around an hour or so after taking her pain pill. She is taking Darvocet which seems to work real well for her, though she does not tend to handle those types of drugs well at all.

Please pray that the swelling subsides a little, as well as the discomfort. The sooner that happens, the sooner she will not need the Darvocet any longer. I will post an update a little later, thanks again for your prayers! - Steve -

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