Friday, February 16, 2007

And Life Goes On...

After all the "craziness" of the past few weeks it has been nice to have a few days of normalcy, where you actually feel like you are participating in the flow of life. Reflecting back, the days of testing and running here and there remind me of one of those commercials you see on TV of a person standing still on a street corner in complete focus while "normal life" speeds by around them. You know what I am talking about?

At moments in our lives like these, life truly slows down and the really important things come to the forefront, into focus. This has served to remind me once again that the Lord allows times like this in our lives to stop us in our tracks so that we can hear Him patiently tell us, as He has so many times before, that "life in the fast lane" is not the abundant life He died to give us. How often we get so caught up in all the hustle-and-bustle and lose sight of these lessons... So, our life goes on, but now with a much better focus!!! The kids are on track with home schooling, I am pretty much caught up at work and we head into a weekend without any nagging questions hanging over us. That will be nice...

Gosh, what can I update you on then? Oh yeah, Steven got his braces off yesterday... off his teeth that is!!! He proceeded to eat two bowls of Grape Nuts as soon as he got home; he has been waiting three years to do that! He loves his Grape Nuts just like dad; and knock off the "it's like eating gravel" comments! Today, we will have a special guest stop by to see us... Pastor John is dropping in for a brief visit! It's been too long; we are really excited that we get to spend the morning/early afternoon with him. Hmmm... I think that is it; the rest is just "normal life."

So, continue to pray for those things mentioned in our previous post, as well as anything else the Lord would lead you to pray for on our behalf. Feel free to leave us prayer requests if you would like, we would be honored to lift them up to the Lord on your behalf. In the meantime, remember to keep your eyes on Jesus, the "author and perfecter / finisher" of our faith!!!

Thank you for leaving us words of encouragement, it is GREAT to "hear" from each of you! We love you all and thank God daily that we are so blessed to have so many who care about us... - Steve and Michelle -


Anonymous said...

Just dropping a note to let you know you and your whole family are in my prayers. I am blessed to know you!

Amy Umar (Weaver)

Anonymous said...

I love grape nuts too...thought we were a dying breed! Nice to know there are some of us left in the world! Ha! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hello from an old friend from las vegas. I am happy to hear about the negative scans michelle. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me anytime. Blessed to hear of the wonderful things God is doing in your lives.
Steve, thanks for your encouraging words during tough times.

Your Brother,
yong park