Tuesday, June 26, 2007

First of Thirteen Done

Greeting to you all -

Yesterday (Monday) Michelle took her first "triple-dose" of Herceptin, which she will do every three weeks for basically 13 treatments (39 weeks). If yesterday was any indication, apart from the possible effect the drug can have on her heart function, there was no apparent side-effects - it was just as if she had not taken the drug at all. Praise the Lord for that!!! For those of you who got into the "blog" late, Herceptin is a specific kind of chemo drug that only targets one thing, the HER2-NU receptor gene which can either exist (positive receptor) or not (negative receptor) in cancerous tumors - you are a candidate for Herceptin if you are "positive HER2-NU", which Michelle has been in both instances. What the drug does is "block" the receptor(s) so that any possible cancer cells cannot replicate! They did not have this drug her first go 'round, so we are thankful they do now. Since it is a "targeted" drug, there is typically no apparent side-effects except that they have seen in some cases the heart function being adversely affected, but this has been temporary and usually reverses itself once treatment is completed. This is why Michelle has to have regular MUGA Scans (another one today) to test her heart function... okay, enough "rehashing" old news! Michelle is doing pretty well, other than still having some low-grade headaches and not sleeping well... pray for her on both of those fronts!!

So, in other news - packing continues and we are ramping up for next weeks relocation. In the meantime, Sarah and I leave tomorrow on our road trip West to get my truck out there and leave us just the Expedition here. That way, Michelle won't have to drive one of the vehicles out next week and gives Sarah and I the blessing of making the road trip twice!!! Pray for us!!!!

Okay, gotta go for now - thanks again for ALL your prayers... we are praying for you! Blessings and we love each of you dearly! - Steve and Michelle -

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